Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Map Example

package view;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class MapExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Map mp=new HashMap();

// adding or set elements in Map by put method key and value pair
mp.put(new Integer(2), "Two");
mp.put(new Integer(1), "One");
mp.put(new Integer(3), "Three");
mp.put(new Integer(4), "Four");

//Get Map in Set interface to get key and value
Set s=mp.entrySet();

//Move next key and value of Map by iterator
Iterator it=s.iterator();

// key=value separator this by Map.Entry to get key and value
Map.Entry m =(Map.Entry);

// getKey is used to get key of Map
int key=(Integer)m.getKey();

// getValue is used to get value of key in Map
String value=(String)m.getValue();

System.out.println("Key :"+key+" Value :"+value);
System.out.println("Check Value: "+mp.containsValue("One"));
System.out.println("Check Key: "+mp.containsKey(1));
